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  • A Bundle of Gratitude!

    Get the following as a bundle! $33.00 Gratitude Journal Family Gratitude Journal My Little Gratitude Journal Goal Navigator

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    Goal Navigator


    Embark on a transformative journey with ‘Goal Navigator: Charting Your Course to Success.’ This insightful guide is your compass to achieving your aspirations and realizing your full potential. Whether you’re setting personal, professional, or lifestyle goals, this book serves as your trusted ally, offering a step-by-step roadmap to navigate the complexities of goal-setting. Dive into…

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    Gratitute Journal


    Introducing the 13-Week Gratitude Journal: Your Path to Transformation Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your life? Our 13-week Gratitude Journal is here to guide you on a remarkable path toward a more profound sense of gratitude for all the blessings in your life. It’s easy to overlook the countless positive aspects of our daily existence, but this journal will help you uncover and appreciate them like never before. In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it’s all too common to take the good things for granted.
    The Gratitude Journal is your tool to break free from this habit. Each day, you will be able to reflect on the positive experiences, moments of joy, and the people who enrich your life. By committing to this practice for 13 weeks, you’ll develop a lasting habit of gratitude that can lead to a more fulfilling and happier life. This journal is not just a notebook; it’s a companion on your journey to a brighter outlook. Its pages are filled with prompts, exercises, and space for you to jot down your thoughts, allowing you to express and explore your gratitude in a structured and meaningful way.
    Through this 13-week Gratitude Journal, you’ll: Cultivate Awareness: Begin each day by acknowledging the good in your life, no matter how small or ordinary it may seem. Enhance Positivity: Shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant, boosting your overall well-being. Strengthen Relationships: Discover the profound impact of gratitude on your interactions with loved ones and the world around you. Achieve Personal Growth: Watch as your perspective evolves, and your appreciation for life’s simple joys deepens. Make gratitude a part of your daily routine and embark on this transformative journey. Start your 13-week Gratitude Journal today and see how the power of appreciation can enrich your life in ways you never imagined. Embrace the positive change that awaits you, one page at a time.

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    My Little Gratitude Journal


    Help your little one experience Gratitude as early as possible in life. Help your kid feel happy and thankful. Sometimes, we all forget about all the good things around us or simply don’t realize all the good things around us. But this journal is here to help them see and appreciate those good things. (Check out the Gratitude Journal that was created for adults.

    Think of it as their happy guidebook! Every day, let them write about the awesome moments, people, and little things that make them smile.

    In this journal, they’ll:

    1. Notice Good Stuff: They will start each day by thinking about the good things in their life, even if they seem small.
    2. Be More Positive: Instead of thinking about what’s missing, they will focus on all the wonderful things they have.
    3. Make Friendships Stronger: They will find out how saying thanks can make their relationships with friends and family even better.
    4. Grow and Learn: See how their thoughts change and how they start appreciating the little joys in life.

    By using this journal for 13 weeks, they’ll get good at being thankful. It’s like a superpower that makes their life better and happier. So, let’s start this awesome journey together! Get your 13-Week Gratitude Journal and discover how being thankful can make your life amazing, one page at a time. Get ready for an amazing adventure with the 13-Week Gratitude Journal!

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    Perfect 40

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    Perfect 40 (English)


    Dive Into Your 40th Life Chapter Fully Prepared!
    There is maturity and wisdom that comes with turning 40. But there is also fear, emotional turbulence, social stress, and many more issues along the ride.
    So, how can you face them all?
    Written for millennial women who have just turned or are about to turn 40, this eye-opening self-help book will help you navigate this new terrain, reminding you that you are not alone.
    Reading this women’s book will help you:

    • Discover The Challenges Arising In The 40 Era From The Perspective Of A Woman Who Has Been There Before You
    • Explore The Fears, Feelings, Physical & Emotional Changes Women Experience At This Age
    • Understand How Your Social Circle, Society’s Expectations & Everyday Life Affects Your Personal Growth

    At the end of each chapter, you will find a summary, a Q&A, and a journaling section to help you embrace what you learn and make your happiness the #1 priority.

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    Perfect 40 (Russian)


    Представляем «Идеальные 40!» Эта поучительная книга самопомощи, написанная для женщин-миллениалов, которым только что исполнилось или скоро исполнится 40, поможет вам ориентироваться в этой новой местности. Чтение этой женской книги поможет вам:
    •⁠ ⁠открыть для себя проблемы, возникающие в эпоху 40-х, с точки зрения женщины, которая была там до вас.
    •⁠ ⁠Изучить страхи, чувства, физические и эмоциональные изменения, которые испытывают женщины в этом возрасте.
    •⁠ ⁠Понять, как ваш круг общения, ожидания общества и повседневная жизнь влияют на ваш личностный рост. И это еще не все! В конце каждой главы вы найдете краткое содержание, вопросы и ответы, а также раздел дневника, который поможет вам освоить то, что вы узнали, и сделать свое счастье приоритетом №1.

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    Perfect 40 (Spanish)


    Presentando “¡40 perfectos!” ¡Por Lana Shabdeen! Escrito para mujeres millennials que acaban de cumplir o están a punto de cumplir 40, este revelador libro de autoayuda la ayudará a navegar por este nuevo terreno y le recordará que no está sola. Leer este libro para mujeres te ayudará a:
    👉 Descubra los desafíos que surgen en la era de los 40 desde la perspectiva de una mujer que ha estado allí antes que usted
    👉 Explore los miedos, sentimientos y cambios físicos y emocionales que experimentan las mujeres a esta edad
    👉 Comprenda cómo su círculo social, las expectativas de la sociedad y la vida cotidiana afectan su crecimiento personal.
    ¡Y eso no es todo! Al final de cada capítulo, encontrará un resumen, una sección de preguntas y respuestas y un diario que le ayudarán a aceptar lo que aprende y hacer de su felicidad la prioridad número uno.